Bookman's Music

Your entrance to an endless world of exciting music

Since 2001 | Todd Bookman, proprietor

Bookman’s Music in Question Mark, Ohio, is more than just a music store. My goal is to inspire you to dream big and create music that moves both you and others. Whether you're after a new guitar, a used piano, or the latest musical gizmo, my store is a treasure trove for musicians of all levels.

I've seen countless aspiring artists find their voice here. Each sale and lesson carries a unique story, echoing with aspirations and melodies of those who've walked through our doors. While I cherish the memories and stories attached to each piece in our store, my biggest joy is watching new ones begin with you.


At Bookman's, we believe music offers an escape from the drudgery of the day-to-day. Whether you're a first-timer or an old hand, we offer lessons at any level in piano, guitar, violin, and most woodwind and brass instruments. Lessons start at thirty dollars an hour.

Student of the Month: Gerald Ames

While many of my students are younger, it's always a real boost to have an older learner come and express a real excitement about picking up an instrument. Shortly after he became our latest city councilperson, Gerald came and professed his love for the french horn and while he's still not hitting every note just right, he's come a long way in a short time. Great work, Gerald!

There's no better time to start learning an instrument than right now! To register for lessons, please use our scheduler below. We are closed Mondays.

Everyone thinks they know everything that has ever happened in this town.

Everyone thinks they know everything that happened with my mom.

I really don’t ever say anything about it because it was all anybody talked about five years ago.

Anything you might need to know about my dad is informed by the absence of my mother.

Five years ago he was a different person. Now everything reminds him of my mother. Now he’s a ghost, quiet, apologetic. I don’t think he even likes looking at me.

He spends all of his time at the music shop. I’ve kind of come to hate it which is why I never go there. When he comes home, we sit on the couch and watch television and neither of us know what to say.

The only time he talks to me is to say he is worried about my future. He’s become obsessed talking about which colleges I should apply to even though he knows I am barely passing my senior year. For someone who spends all of his time reliving the past, I find this particularly ironic.

I don’t know if I even want to go to college and I am afraid to tell him this.

To be honest, when I think of the future, when I think of having to leave Question Mark, all I imagine is a great big blank spot, exactly like The Void. Maybe I am more like my father than I guess I’d like to admit.